An Artist’s Statement

Writing Challenge: Create an Artist's Statement

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An artist’s statement offers a glimpse of your world at the current moment in time. It is not a resume, a bio, or a list of your accomplishments. Rather, it is a summary of your current passions and interests that are relevant for your target audience.

The statement might include descriptions of:

  • Your passions
  • Your creative process
  • Your visions
  • Your inspirations
  • Your philosophies
  • Your likes and dislikes

To write your artist’s statement, start by looking over the work you’ve done recently. Was anything especially easy or hard? What are you most proud of? Least proud of? Are there common themes? Did you find you had a message or important story to tell?

Pretend that you are filming a documentary of yourself. Look into the camera and make a statement about what has influenced you. What are your goals for the future? Did you find a voice that worked well for your writings? A topic you liked best?