315. My Marvelous Profile

Suggested time: 20–90 minutes

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Design a profile page that represents you, but with the characteristics or superpowers of a real person or fictional character that you truly admire. Follow a look and feel similar to what you might find on Facebook.

Compose the page from your point of view, in character, as if you are joining Facebook or another social media site and want to make friends. Make sure that viewers have enough information to feel like they have been adequately introduced.

Here are a few items you might include:

  • An image
  • Relationship status
  • Profile information (male or female, family information, hometown, birthday, age, and so on)
  • Activities (skateboarding, paintballing, intergalactic exploration)
  • Interests (music, movies, games, books, theatre)
  • About me (short bio, approximately three sentences)
  • Status—what’s on your mind? (What are you up to at this moment?)